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Sorry, as of 2022, there are no suitable upgrade files for PX30 and PX5 series. Upgrade file no longer available.

Isudar PX30 Android 9/ Android 8.1  Or PX5 Android 9/Android 8  unite can be updated to Android 10. 
(It is not possible for B69 model!! )

The following are the updated steps and videos.

1. First the car radio should be turned on and connected with computer via USB. 
2. Go to the factroy tool, and open the file" Update" in factroy tool. 

3.  Choose the " Update" file and then start it.
4. Turn off the car radio,  and trun on it again with pressing the power button for 3-6 s,  then loose it, and immediately click the power button again.  

5.  Ok,After completing these steps, the computer will appear to update the firmware. Just wait for the firmware update to complete. Note: Pls connect device to PC with a short USB cable. ( The shorter the better, otherwise the PC cannot read the device). 

6. Here is updated file for PX30 and updated video
7. Here is updated file for PX5

Sorry, as of 2022, there are no suitable upgrade files for PX30 and PX5 series. Upgrade file no longer available.

Isudar PX30 Android 9/ Android 8.1  Or PX5 Android 9/Android 8  unite can be updated to Android 10. 
(It is not possible for B69 model!! )

The following are the updated steps and videos.

1. First the car radio should be turned on and connected with computer via USB. 
2. Go to the factroy tool, and open the file" Update" in factroy tool. 

3.  Choose the " Update" file and then start it.
4. Turn off the car radio,  and trun on it again with pressing the power button for 3-6 s,  then loose it, and immediately click the power button again.  

5.  Ok,After completing these steps, the computer will appear to update the firmware. Just wait for the firmware update to complete. Note: Pls connect device to PC with a short USB cable. ( The shorter the better, otherwise the PC cannot read the device). 

6. Here is updated file for PX30 and updated video
7. Here is updated file for PX5

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  • I followed all the steps to update my unit but without success. After i keep long press power button and wait to blick lights for 3 times my pc don;t recognize the unit so i can;t update…

    Is everyone here to guide me?


  • Witam wszystkich potrzebuje aktualizacji do radia PX30 radio nie wyświetla obrazu z kamery cofania nie zawsze wyświetla również czujniki parkowania i problem z bluetooth proszę o pomoc w miarę prostą instrukcję pozdrawiam

  • Good afternoon!
    I have an ISUDAR PX 5 car radio
    tell me how to upgrade to 10 android without removing the car radio from the car?
    If I press the shutdown button, the radio goes into sleep mode.
    if I hold down the shutdown button, then the car radio reboots.
    How to turn off the power of this radio? how to make SHUTDOWN?
    Otherwise, it is impossible to do everything as shown in the instructions.

    and your instructions say:
    The following are the updated steps and videos.
    1. First the car radio should be turned on and connected with computer via USB.
    2. Go to the factroy tool, and open the file" Update" in factroy tool.
    3. Choose the " Update" file and then start it.
    4. Turn off the car radio, and trun on it again with pressing the power button for 3-6 s, then loose it, and immediately click the power button again. –
    This point is not working for me, since the Radio does not turn off, but reboots when the power off button is pressed for a long time or goes into sleep mode when the power button is pressed shortly.
    How to completely turn off the car radio without removing it from the car?

    5. Ok,After completing these steps, the computer will appear to update the firmware. Just wait for the firmware update to complete. Note: Pls connect device to PC with a short USB cable. ( The shorter the better, otherwise the PC cannot read the device).

  • Hello good I have the px5 model but my question is how do I turn on the radio outside the car where do I connect the power?

  • On my PX30 works and looks great. Thanks!

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